Frequently Asked Questions


What types of services does Tenant Predict offer?


Tenant Predict ServicesTenant Predict offers a variety of advantages:  

  • An easy to use digital repository for your tenant data.  Many small and medium-size landlords do not digitize their tenant's data, instead simply filing their applications n paper files.  Tenant Predict offers a simple (and free) way of storing that information for later retrieval and for reporting.  Your tenant data that is recorded in the Tenant Predict portal can later be easily exported for use in your business accounting software or other software projects.
  • Reporting.  The Tenant Predict portal currently offers multiple reports for viewing your tenant data.  Interested in how many of your tenants are from out of state?  Want a list of all tenants with 1 child or more?  Want to know what your average tenants' credit score is?  All questions that are easily answered from within the portal.
  • Tenant rating prediction (in development).  Currently Tenant Predict is in its beta stage, primarily focused on collecting data and the prediction model is still under development. However in time, the portal will offer the functionality of rating potential and current tenants based on their given attributes.  


Are there any costs/fees?

Tenant Predict Renter Rating 

No.  Currently the Tenant Predict initiative is in its beta stage of development with a primary focus on collecting data from landlords around the North Texas area.  Therefore all services offered are free in exchange for the collection of tenant data.  The more data we record, the more accurate and robust our predictive algorithms become over time, so it is in our best interest to offer the most valuable services that we can to encourage usage of the Tenant Predict portal.


How do I join?

 Tenant Predict Renter Rating Scoring Landlord

The Tenant Predict project is currently in its early stages and therefore is invite-only.  However, we are always happy to speak to anyone interested in the project, so feel free to send us a request to join.  

 For more information, please contact us.


How do I get help in using the site portal?

 Tenant Predict - Help 

  • First, review the Help page which covers the basics of using the portal (note: you must first be logged in to access).